"This is a story that is often untold, and overlooked. A raw adventure of fighting the elements of illness, as a young wife and mother by seeking Jesus first. Start from the beginning, and see how the Lord can take a very broken and ill individual and bring about a truly unique LIFE and LOVE story." - BRYNN (& Jeremey and Tatum).

Monday, February 14, 2011

My blue eyed beauties!

My two special valentines
The Loves of my life
My blue eyed beauties
My family!

Happy Valentines Day Jeremey and Tatum!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

In the last 6 weeks ...

Our first family picture!

Hello again. Just wanted to write a quick blog. Tatum is 6 weeks today and she rocks! I have never been more tired in my life ... and I think I have lost nearly all my ability to think rationally.
.. but a friend told me that the first 6 weeks are the hardest. I pray she is right, haha, because boy have they been hard, but I know that every baby and every situation is different. But many aspects that were hard the first few weeks have cleared up, while others begin to surface. I suppose that thats what the life of a mother truly is, and that is where trusting the Lord becomes even more necessary than breathing! In the last 6 weeks ...

- I fell in Love, with a beautiful baby girl, and with my husband all over again.
- Learned how to care for a life more than I care for my own.
- Fought through countless moments of thinking "I can't do this."
- Walked longer and further than I have in 4 years, for the sake of getting my baby fresh air!
- Pushed myself to limits that go beyond my comprehension.
- Experienced Joy, anxiety, sadness and peace all in the same instant, haha.
- Slept ... hardly at all.
- Loved ... a whole lot!
- Learned at such a fast rate that I can't keep my head on straight.
- Lost all track of time, hours, days, months, what year are we in???
- Gone to the urgent care twice.
- Seen smiles and heard "coos" that are irresistible.
- Watched my baby grow out of a majority of her newborn clothes :(
- Taken so many pictures that our hard drives are nearly full!
- Learned to trust the Lord ...

Can't wait to see what the next 6 weeks will bring!