"This is a story that is often untold, and overlooked. A raw adventure of fighting the elements of illness, as a young wife and mother by seeking Jesus first. Start from the beginning, and see how the Lord can take a very broken and ill individual and bring about a truly unique LIFE and LOVE story." - BRYNN (& Jeremey and Tatum).

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"ENGAGING" our creative sides/videos.

(There are 2 videos on this blog post. Unfortunately I can't keep the videos from automatically playing when you click on the post. So you will have to go down and pause/stop the videos and watch them separately if you don't want an earful of noise.)

2 years ago, Jeremey and I were preparing for our wedding and making this "music/engagement video" of how we met and fell in Love (the top video). I Love working with my husband on creative projects. It is one of the many things that drew us together in the first place. Jeremey just finished editing another engagement video (a bit different style than ours, haha) this last week and I thought I would pass it on to you bloggers to see (the bottom video). We have had the priveldge this summer to do pre-marraige counseling for this awesome couple. It sounds kind of silly ... Jeremey and I doing marriage counseling having been married just shy of 2 years. But nonetheless the Lord laid it on Eleazar and Bekahs hearts to get insight from us of all people, haha. They saw that though young in our marriage, that the trials we have been through, especially with my illness, run deep and brought about a sped-up maturity. Don't get us wrong, we KNOW that there are a world of things about marriage we do not know, and we are far from mature ... but nonetheless we had a blast, and Love them so much, and hope the Lord was glorified through our time with them. Ele and Bekah shot this footage on a trip they made up to Oregon (her home state), leading up to their proposal. The battery ran out just before he popped the question while playing in the paint, but the pictures at the end show you all the emotion and happiness you need to see (check out what Ele painted on her chest, so sweet and SO CREATIVE!). Jeremey had a blast editing this video together for them, and we just can't wait for their big day NEXT Friday in Oregon. (They even asked our little Tatum to be their flower girl) unfortunately with her starting to teeth and be more unpredictable and all the newness of traveling it seemed a bit risky to commit to such a small baby going down the isle. But she sure would have been cute. Speaking of her, she is 8 months old TODAY!!!

Engagement musical

Eleazar and Bekah's engagement video

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