"This is a story that is often untold, and overlooked. A raw adventure of fighting the elements of illness, as a young wife and mother by seeking Jesus first. Start from the beginning, and see how the Lord can take a very broken and ill individual and bring about a truly unique LIFE and LOVE story." - BRYNN (& Jeremey and Tatum).

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

We be trippin ... to Oregon: (Part 1)

I had to separate this blog into 2 different posts because there were just too many pictures and too much to write about. This was Tatum's first trip to Oregon, so there were so many different family members and friends that we wanted her to meet, (or to meet her). We had the opportunity to see many people, but hope to see the rest of you that we missed out on, on our next trip in November. The second part of this post will be more details about how amazing the trip was as a whole (My health, Tatum on the plane, the wedding and exploring Oregon) but this post will just be a shout out to the dear Loved ones that we got to spend time with, but don't see often enough. I Love California, but I sure do miss the many friends that I have made throughout my life in Oregon. SO blessed to share Tatum with the great northwest! (I feel weird that there aren't any pictures of Jeremey in this post, considering that it was a mini family vacation, but he was taking most of them. Pics of the 3 of us coming soon!)

A little info about the special Loved ones that we got to see under each picture.

My cousins Paul, Michael and Grace. Their parents (my aunt and uncle) were missionaries in Kenya since before these little guys were even born. They were adopted when just babies and have been such a joy in our family for years. Just recently they have left the mission field to return back to Oregon. For the first time in their lives they are finally calling Oregon and the United States their home.
My Aunt Anne Marie. Michael, Paul and Grace's mom. In her words "I don't normally think white babies are cute, but this one is a definite exception." She also has 2 children adopted from Korea who are my age.
My uncle Lee. Looks like he also likes this white baby, haha. So sweet!
Cousin Michael and Tatum were seriously best friends. They were cracking each other up. At one point Tatum was so excited about feeling his hair that she was sitting on top of his head.
My dear friend Molly. For those that don't know her, you should. She rocks. I played soccer with her in highschool, and was her church camp counselor for years (she is 3 years younger). Aside from that she is one of my most loyal friends I have ever had, and was also my maid of honor in my wedding.

My mom, and Connie and Katie (Odell and Turnbull). Katie was my best friend growing up since 5th grade. We did everything together, soccer, church, vacations ect, and our familes were also best friends. Interestingly enough, just 4 months after I became ill 5 years ago, she did as well ( but different symptoms and illness). She continues to battle each day with physical ailments that most people will never even begin to understand. Pray for her if you think about it. I was so blessed to spend time with her and her mom.
Heather and Adalaide Bauer. Heather and I have also been close friends since 5th grade. Her, Katie and I, were like 3 peas in a pod growing up. Her family was like a second family throughout my whole childhood, and so it was such a pleasure and surreal experience to see our daughters interacting. They were so cute together!.
My uncle Ernie and aunt Ricky. Also missionaries to many places throughout the world. Returned 2 years ago permenantly to Oregon. Love them!
Casey Wilson. Not related, just a strange coincidence that we both married guys with the last name Wilson. My best friend in high school, and still one of the most contagiously funny and enjoyable people for me to be around. Some of the best memorie of my life were spent with her. Not the best pic of Tatum, but Casey is gorgeous as usual. Can't wait for her to hurry up and have kids!!! ;)
My cat Clyde. He is almost 19 years old. I never would have thought when I was 8 years old that someday my daughter would meet him. He is the best cat in the world and Tatum would just squeal whenever he was around and would try to pet him at all costs.
And finally. Bekah and Eleazar. She already knew them, but I had to throw in this picture of thier wedding day. Tatum was too busy looking at how beautiful Bekah was to look at the camera, but it was a wonderful day with the wonderful couple!

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