"This is a story that is often untold, and overlooked. A raw adventure of fighting the elements of illness, as a young wife and mother by seeking Jesus first. Start from the beginning, and see how the Lord can take a very broken and ill individual and bring about a truly unique LIFE and LOVE story." - BRYNN (& Jeremey and Tatum).

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

3 1/2 more weeks, shots of the belly!

36 1/2 week belly shot! We had an appointment today, and the doctor said:

1. She has definitely dropped.
2. That I was a good amount effaced.
3. That I was probably dilated but couldn't tell how much because her head was pushing down so hard on the uterus at a weird angle.
4. That she might be a little early!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Dynamic Duo.

Well, my husband is very sick, and I can hardly move. We make quite the dynamic team right now. A flash forward into our senior citizen years. I am a little over 9 months pregnant (36 1/2 weeks) and moving my pinky toe takes a grand effort. The "I can't move without pain and exhaution, get this kid out of me stage" has kicked into full gear. To make things even harder Jeremey has gotten progressively sicker over the last coupledays. Started out as a cough, and now he's just about as out of it as I am. Darn winter season sickness. If I were to go into labor now, I think he might be laying in a bed next to me in the hospital. (Thats sort of an exaggeration, but I am seriously praying that nothing sudden happens in the next few days with the baby, because he probably wouldn't be able to be in the delivery room.) Praise the Lord, I haven't caught his cough and other symptoms!!!

Update on the latest Wilson news:
- Jeremey turned 26 last friday. He was so blessed by so many friends, and wants to thank you all for the kind gestures and gifts!
- We spent the weekend getting all the last minute baby stuff. Her room is set, all we have to do is set up our room, so she can stay with us for a while after she is born.
- We put the car seat in the car, it is ready to go. That makes it very real.
-Tomorrow is the first OB appointment where they will check to see how dilated I am, and all the other fun stuff. It is so exciting!
- My friend, who has been just ONE week ahead of me during this whole pregnancy, went into labor this weekend, and had her baby Lola June Avery, 3 1/2 weeks early. Her baby is doing great! Congrats BJ!
- The baby seems to be doing great, we thought she had dropped, as of tonight, because of the pressure, and blah blah blah (you other moms know what I'm talking about) and because she isn't moving as much. But we know our little girl likes to trick us and will probably make a run for it soon, and try to turn and flip around. I think she might have already.
- Please pray for Jeremey. He is sleeping in the baby room right now on a spare mattress, because he feels so sick, and I tend to take up too much space on the bed. Would hate for him to be sick on Thanksgiving. Thanks guys. (Hopefully I will have a new belly photo up tomorrow!)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Home Schooled cast delivers first baby!

For those that don't know ... This is the cover of the new movie Jeremey and I filmed/directed/wrote and produced this last spring. If it looks cheesy that's because it is. I am posting this because the 2 main characters in the film (pictured in the center, Katie Ancheta, and my husband) both found out during the filming of the film that they were EXPECTING. Yes I know it sounds strange, the 2 main characters of a christian bible college movie playing 18 year old kids were, when in actuality they were both married, Katie 28 years old and Jeremey 25, kinda trippy. Katie found out she was pregnant during the 4th week of filming I believe, and I found I was pregnant around the 8th. She was 5 weeks ahead of me, and we started this long journey together way back in March. So big NEWS, Katie brought her beautiful baby boy Josiah Elisha Ancheta into this world 2 days ago on November 17th! He is such a cutie! And you all know what that means, I'm NEXT. It becomes very real when the person who is right ahead of you in her pregnancy journey delivers her baby. Congrats Katie and Mike. For anybody who watches the credits in movies, you might have seen a very special dedication to both of our unborn babies at the very end. It's so neat to have names and faces to match those dedications, though mine won't be revealed for a couple weeks still.

Oh and PS: Remember those baby Tom's shoes I posted about wanting for my little girl a while back? Well the "bad girl" in our movie, the girl on the very end on the right, Sharrah Robeson, who is in Spain this Semester at the bible college extension campus sent them to me as a gift. They are truly the cutest things you have ever seen. Thanks again Sharrah! (Shes not a bad girl in real life, she just plays one in the movies.)

Shoot lets just go ahead and give an update on the cast in this picture. starting from the far left, Kathryn, is working on campus here, and gearing up to get married to her sweetheart soon. Next to her Amanda, just got married this last weekend to her husband Dave. It was a great wedding! Daniel Belzman is working on campus here still and I assume still making people laugh. Katie, well, I just told you about her. Jeremey, he's being an awesome husband and gearing up for his new baby. Aaron Sabio is over in the Phillipines working at the bible college extension campus there. Sharrah is in Spain like I mentioned above. We miss you Aaron and Sharrah. And Kyle Seeger the one whos hands and neck are pictured (played Chip in the movie) is here at the bible college, getting ready to graduate in 3 weeks! We Love you all!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Well, isn't that the strangest thing???

Well, hmmm. I'm still a little confused ... At my last doctors appointment (2 weeks ago) I hadn't gained even one pound in 2 weeks. So my OB put me on a diet of 7 meals a day, lots of powerbars, and ensures and, with a homework project to up my caloric intake by a significant amount. I was still measuring quite small. Today, 2 weeks later I went in again, thinking to myself, "I have hardly been eating more at all, in fact I have been feeling pretty nauseated again, so it's been harder for me to eat, so I'll be surprised if I gained anything." Typical, in unpredictable Brynn style, I gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks ... WHAT!?!?!? Jeremey and I were celebrating and cheering while I was on the scale, the nurse thought it was so funny, telling us that she had never seen a couple be so excited about weight gain. When my doctor came in her first words were "wow, you really took your homework project seriously and up'ed that caloric intake." She asked if I had been overeating, and Jeremey and I both agreed that I had been eating a bit more, but still not as much as a normal non-pregnant person eats everyday. So strange. So she down cut my calorie intake, and told me to watch how much I am eating in the next week. Now isn't that the strangest thing??? I am told for 33 weeks straight to gain gain gain, you're too small, your belly isn't measuring right, your baby is too little, eat more, and then BAM, they tell me to take it easy and ask if I'm overeating???? Hahahaha. I think it is so funny, so ironic, and SO ME. So many twists and turns. My mom thinks they might have weighed me wrong last appointment when I hadn't gained anything, I have the same feeling, but who knows. But this does explain why I feel SOOO pregnant lately, and sooo tired. It took me 6 months to gain 7 pounds at the beginning of this pregnancy, and now I did that in 2 weeks, eeek. Well, there's a strange update for you. Till next time!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Baby shower/pics!

Finally, I can whip up a quick post about my baby shower. It was wonderful, quaint, yet packed with so many people I Love and cherish. Emily and Beth thank you so much for going out of your way to bless me and my family. It's hard to believe that I, BRYNN WILSON, had a BABY SHOWER. I'm having a BABY!!! So unreal. The shower was just perfect for all my little oddball traits and health concerns, so thank you guys for being so mindful of that too! And to everyone that was able to be there, thank you for coming and supporting my new little girl. She has no idea how many new friends she is going to have once she gets here, considering most of you have children. What a great place to raise a child! Here are a few pics from the party! Mostly of just me, cuz well, my mother in law was taking them, and she only knew me, hahaha, makes sense.

Games and food, what a great combo!

So many gifts, so overwhelemed, but so so blessed!
It's hard to see here, but this is a picture of me when I was baby with a very special "blankie." My mom knit a similar one for my baby. Such a great gift!
Awesome gift from Kate Adams, hand made, Jeremey Loves that Elephant beanie more than anyone. We can't wait to take pictures of our little one in it!

Claire was my little helper the whole time, and she did a great job. She even helped explained certain gifts to me that I may have been a little confused about. She's the oldest of four kids, so she probably knows a lot more about baby stuff than I do.
When we got home that night, Jeremey got out all the gifts from the shower so he could experience what I had. So cute. This is him opening up the gift from his mom, a full on amazing scrapbooked babybook. He was very impressed with his moms work. We all were!


Our families are the greatest BLESSING we could ever ask for!

Last week began a time of mad exhaustion but extreme blessing as my mom and Jeremey's mom, dad, and one of his sisters came to California to stay with us. My mom came a few days early and blessed our socks off. She helped us make our new place a home, furnished our baby room, stocked our kitchen up with food, and overall was such a joy and went way out of her way to make us feel Loved and so special during such a chaotic time in our lives. Thanks mom, we Love you. Jeremey's family then arrived and did the same. They filled our stomachs with amazing food as we dinned out with great dinners, helped us with many fixer upper projects in our home, and brought us many laughs! Thank you guys, it means the world to us! Jeremey and I feel like our families came in and just made everything fall into place. We got the stroller put together (which Jeremey actually did all on his own!) We were blessed with a a new dining table, and had it set up. We got new breaks on our car, and free mechanic to put them together (Jeremey's dad), The babies crib, dresser, bedding and closets were, bought, assembled, put together and organized. A big sigh of relief for getting so much done and a great thanking of the Lord followed as our families departed. We looked back on a week full of such selflessness from all of them. We are now nearly ready for our daughter to come home!

Almost 34 week belly photos!

I may still be small to a lot of people, but I feel like she is going to pop out soon. Can't sleep, can't eat, can't think, hahaha, she has taken over all my major functions, but I Love her more every day! (I look exhausted in these and sorry for the strange iphone coloring).

Monday, November 1, 2010

Wiggly toes and scrunchy nose! Meet our funny/precious little daughter!!!

Here she is in her second 4d ultrasound. She is 33 weeks along. My mom, Jeremey and I were so blessed to see how active she was. In fact, again, the ultrasound tech said she was one of the most active babies she had seen. She was playing with the umbilical cord the whole time, chewing on it, and moving it around her face. She was also being a little acrobat and had her feet right up in her eyes. She would flex and wiggle her toes, and when the tech told me to try to move her foot out of the way of her face so we could get a clearer picture, we could see her start to scrunch her face and cry because her "entertainment" got taken away from her. She is so funny. For those that aren't experts at viewing ultrasounds, the bottom picture is of her scrunched up with her foot in her face, because she was moving so much we could only capture half of her face, so that's why it may look a little strange. The umbilical cord is across her chin in all of the pictures so that explains why it might look like its missing. We Love her so much. (Tons to blog about from this past week with all of our guests, and of the baby shower, stay posted!).