"This is a story that is often untold, and overlooked. A raw adventure of fighting the elements of illness, as a young wife and mother by seeking Jesus first. Start from the beginning, and see how the Lord can take a very broken and ill individual and bring about a truly unique LIFE and LOVE story." - BRYNN (& Jeremey and Tatum).

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

3 1/2 more weeks, shots of the belly!

36 1/2 week belly shot! We had an appointment today, and the doctor said:

1. She has definitely dropped.
2. That I was a good amount effaced.
3. That I was probably dilated but couldn't tell how much because her head was pushing down so hard on the uterus at a weird angle.
4. That she might be a little early!


  1. You look so adorable! God bless. Praying for everything to go smoothly and easily.

  2. Brynn, you're beautiful! You look amazing! I'll be praying for all 3 of you!!!!

  3. Great pictures Brynn! You look beautiful! :D

    It's possible you could deliver early...however, I was 100% effaced and 2 cm dilated with Elijah, and he was completely engaged, and I remember being so excited that he would be born soon...then I went a full 2 weeks past my due date...and I thought he would NEVER come out (but, of course, he eventually did :D). So hang in there! Nothing wrong with keeping your hopes up, but don't get concerned if she decides to stay in a little while longer too! :D

    I told Jeremey that the Lord has put it on my heart to pray for you during your labor and delivery...so please remind him to put me on the list of folks to contact when you go into labor! :)

    Love you guys!
