"This is a story that is often untold, and overlooked. A raw adventure of fighting the elements of illness, as a young wife and mother by seeking Jesus first. Start from the beginning, and see how the Lord can take a very broken and ill individual and bring about a truly unique LIFE and LOVE story." - BRYNN (& Jeremey and Tatum).

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My daughter officially has better balance than me ...

Well, its official. I OFFICIALLY have a child who has better balance than me. Tatum is a "I rather walk more often than crawl" toddler. For most parents this is a tad bit of an overwhelming milestone. Knowing that for the next 17 years you will be chasing this child around, reminiscing about those few short months where they could hardly roll over. For me though ... this new stage means something a bit different. As I continue to battle with chronic vertigo, this new stage for me means that my tiny 13 month old officially has a ONE UP on her mom. On my really sick days, she will be faster, quicker and better balanced than me. For the normal mom, with a stable equalibrium, chasing a toddler around is HARD work ... for sicky over here, I can only imagine what my future days will be like. Last night though, as I was talking to my husband about this, I came to the realization that I had had similar feelings when Tatum first starting rolling over, scooting, crawling and furniture cruising. With each step the Lord has proven to uphold my body. Tatum walking, and my ability to take care of her while chronically ill, is just another way to see the Lord work miracles, and have Him be glorified in my weakness! BRING IT ON TATUM!


  1. Tatum is so gorgeous- I love celebrating her milestones via cyberspace with you all and still praying all the time that you will be able to enjoy them all the more. I love you sister, so much. Thank you for encouraging me, strengthening my faith through your weakness.

  2. Your kiddo is simply adorable. :) Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. I very much hope that my blog and yours as well can give some encouragement and hope to those in similar situations, dealing with illness of any kind. Have a wonderful evening!
